Possibly: Freedom for A New Story, Reader Facilitating Accountability and Commitment The shift is to believe that the task of leadership is to provide context and produce engagement, to tend to…
Possibly: Freedom for A New Story, Reader Shifting the Context of Leadership This is not an argument against leaders or leadership, only a desire to change the nature of our thinking. Communal…
Leaving Egypt and Pharaoh, Reader Letting Go of Deficiency Based Thinking Pharaoh's anxiety can move communities from their call to care for one another by giving authority over to “professionalism” to assume…
Leaving Egypt and Pharaoh, Reader Time and Urgency With reference to the common good, we may formulate a tentative conclusion about the narrative of Pharaoh: Those who are…
Leaving Egypt and Pharaoh, Reader Leaving the Anxiety System The dream of Moses sharply contrasts with the nightmare of Pharaoh. It is that dream that propels the biblical narrative.…