Reader, The Abundant Community 29 Jun 2018 Kindness that Builds Social Fabric Yesterday we read about how kindness is done together. The [second] is, “How do we, together, allow me to do… Common Good
Reader, The Abundant Community 28 Jun 2018 Kindness As a Collective Act In community, I am part of a circle in which kindness is evoked and valued and named. To deal with… Common Good
Reader, The Abundant Community 27 Jun 2018 The Stranger Hospitality is the welcoming of strangers. This is a… major property that defines an abundant community: There is always a… Common Good
Reader, The Abundant Community 26 Jun 2018 Organizing Around Possibility (Verse Disappointment) Another way of thinking about creating a competent and abundant community is to consider it a form of community organizing.… Common Good
Reader, The Abundant Community 25 Jun 2018 Just Enough Structure for the Next Step Our discussions on community point out how it is messy, chaotic, and frequently less structured than a system approach that… Common Good