Reader, Sabbath: Time for the Unexpected, Structure Of Belonging Community In Reflection The world is loud right now. The volume taxes our bandwidth for paying attention to and loving (which are the…
Poetry for Building Community, Reader, Structure Of Belonging Famous Over the next week, you’ll notice a bunch of folks calling attention to themselves. Perhaps that is necessary at the…
Leaving Egypt and Pharaoh, Reader, Significance Of Place American Must BECOME a Democracy Communitarians around the world often point out that the communities that flourish are the ones who decide to love the…
Invitation, Reader, Structure Of Belonging Elder Wisdom for the Future Good relationships between villages and their elders is one sure sign of a healthy community. Elders, hold wisdom and memory…
Eliminating economic isolation, Leaving Egypt and Pharaoh, Reader This is Your Brain on Neoliberalism The economy is making you sick. It is probably also making you at least a little nutty. And to add…