Invitation, Leaving Egypt and Pharaoh, Reader, Structure Of Belonging Liberation: Resilience Required The struggle for liberation is not for the faint of heart. It is for the full of heart, faith, and…
Invitation, Poetry for Building Community, Reader, Structure Of Belonging “Don’t Give Up” There are times, like I feel today, when we don't want to keep fighting. We place down our pen, our…
Leaving Egypt and Pharaoh, Possibly: Freedom for A New Story, Reader, Significance Of Place, Structure Of Belonging A Nation On the Verge of Becoming The most impacting liberation has always been collective and grassroots. North Carolina Black Alliance is one such collective effort that…
Invitation, Possibly: Freedom for A New Story, Reader, Structure Of Belonging Minding The Gap In a society that has deeply embraced a colorblind racist ideology of ignoring differences and focusing on strengths, we have…
Reader Practice Liberation Liberation is ongoing. This week’s reader focuses on four practices that bring more and more freedom: openheartedness, imagination, rest, and…