Leaving Egypt and Pharaoh, Reader, Significance Of Place, Wilderness: Sharing and Reorientation Life and Labor in a Poultry Plant "One way to deal with that fear is to share stories, and know that it's okay to be afraid, frightened."…
Reader, Significance Of Place, Wilderness: Sharing and Reorientation Our Trespasses "Hidden just below the surface of the missionary impulse is the politics of conquest. I inherited that legacy." Greg Jarrell…
Reader, Structure Of Belonging, Wilderness: Sharing and Reorientation Violence, and the Sins of Aggression The Russian War on Ukraine, "The Slap", and Holy Week. What do these things have in common? They are all…
Poetry for Building Community, Reader, Structure Of Belonging, Wilderness: Sharing and Reorientation “Backwards” One in 15 children are exposed to intimate partner violence each year, and 90% of these children are eyewitnesses to…
Imagination: The Prophetic Act of Living an Alternative Narrative, Reader, Wilderness: Sharing and Reorientation “The V-Word” Violence is often treated like a taboo subject, even though we experience it in its various iterations every day. I…