Poetry for Building Community Poetry for Building Community by Naomi Shihab Nye Famous The river is famous to the fish. The loud voice is famous to silence, which knew before anybody said…
Reader, Significance Of Place How A Local Bookstores Can Be A Hub Of A Community An independent bookstore is a repository of local information. The staff know local authors and information. Readers stop through for…
Reader, Significance Of Place Enough Structure for the Next Step by Peter Block & John McKnight Our discussions on community point out how it is messy, chaotic, and frequently less structured than a system approach that…
Eliminating economic isolation, Reader Fr. Richard Rohr on Departing the Consumer Culture Economic systems based on competition, scarcity, and acquisitiveness have become more than a question of economics; they have become the…
Poetry for Building Community, Reader Poetry for Building Community by R.S. Thomas & Mary Oliver “Lore” by R. S. Thomas Job Davies, eighty-five Winters old, and still alive After the slow poison And treachery of…