Reader, The 5 Conversations How have I contributed to creating the current reality? The ownership conversation asks citizens to act as if they were creating what exists in the world. Confession is the…
Reader, The 5 Conversations It Takes a Village The possibility conversation gives form to one way the gifts of those in the margin get brought into the center.…
Reader, The 5 Conversations Setting Out in the Journey from Stranger to Neighbor It is the willingness to reframe, turn, and even invert a question that creates the depth and opening for authentic…
Invitation, Reader Preparations: the Conversation and the Setting After the invitation, there are five other conversations for structuring belonging: possibility, ownership, dissent, commitment, and gifts. Since all the…
Invitation, Reader Make the Invitation Personal In an electronic, need-for-speed, overnight-delivery age, the more personal the invitation the better. A visit is more personal than a…