Reader, Structure Of Belonging, The Abundant Community Overcoming Isolation Through Community By Peter Block There is no need to construct a world where we have to choose between systems and the communal path. There…
Reader Let the People Pick the President by Jesse Wegman New York Times journalist Jesse Wegman says "The way the Electoral College operates today is not carved in stone," he…
Poetry for Building Community, Reader, Significance Of Place, Structure Of Belonging Communities Are Built On Stories And Invitations Invitation by Shel Silverstein If you are a dreamer, come in If you are a dreamer, a wisher, a liar,…
Reader, Significance Of Place Quarantined Italians Share Warning: ‘Learn From Our Mistakes And Don’t Underestimate This’ It is believed nations like the US, England, France, Spain, and Germany are about 9-10 days behind Italy in the…
Eliminating economic isolation, Mystery, Reader, Significance Of Place, Structure Of Belonging Prayer for a Pandemic May we who are merely inconvenienced Remember those whose lives are at stake. May we who have no risk factors…