Leaving Egypt and Pharaoh, Reader, Structure Of Belonging, Wilderness: Sharing and Reorientation How Does It Feel To Be a Problem? Sometimes the work for liberation is militant or triumphant; other times it’s a quiet force that strives simply for compassionate…
Leaving Egypt and Pharaoh, Reader, Structure Of Belonging Bring Them Back Alive Over the next several months, we’ll be featuring a few original pieces, including several tracking this intriguing project from CG…
Covenant: Moving from Contract to Commitment, Leaving Egypt and Pharaoh, Reader, Structure Of Belonging Remember the Liberators For the next three months, we at Common Good Collective will be reflecting on those in the United States, and…
Leaving Egypt and Pharaoh, Reader, Significance Of Place Counter Mapping Jim Enote is a traditional Zuni farmer seeks to honor the culture and history of place by challenging conventional approaches…
Leaving Egypt and Pharaoh, Reader, Structure Of Belonging The Metaverse Is Bad Behemoth technology firms with unfathomable financial resources are creating a different kind of community, relatedness, and interconnection. It’s one that…