Leaving Egypt and Pharaoh, Reader, Structure Of Belonging 25 Aug 2021 Courageous Youth The leadership at Oakland-based Urban Peace Movement knew that the young people they encountered were bright and capable of great… Courtney Napier
Leaving Egypt and Pharaoh, Poetry for Building Community, Significance Of Place 18 Aug 2021 “Appalachian Elegy” "listen little sister / angels make their hope here / in these hills" Writer and poet bell hooks explores in… Courtney Napier
Leaving Egypt and Pharaoh, Structure Of Belonging, Wilderness: Sharing and Reorientation 10 Aug 2021 The True Impact of Collective Action Last summer saw a wave of protest that sought systemic changes and confrontations with the country’s racist past. Did anything… Courtney Napier
Leaving Egypt and Pharaoh, Reader, Structure Of Belonging 03 Aug 2021 On the Billionaire Space Race This short excerpt from a conversation between Anand Giridharadas and Krista Tippett on the On Being podcast highlights two warring… Courtney Napier
Imagination: The Prophetic Act of Living an Alternative Narrative, Leaving Egypt and Pharaoh, Reader, Structure Of Belonging 02 Aug 2021 James Baldwin’s Faith in the Alternative Narrative “Your history has led you to this moment, and you can only begin to change yourself by looking at what… Courtney Napier