Leaving Egypt and Pharaoh, Poetry for Building Community, Significance Of Place “Appalachian Elegy” "listen little sister / angels make their hope here / in these hills" Writer and poet bell hooks explores in…
Poetry for Building Community, Reader, Structure Of Belonging “July 4, 1974” Nothing prepares you for children, whether having your own, or having someone else’s child burst through your door on a…
Poetry for Building Community, Reader, Sabbath: Time for the Unexpected “May we raise children who love the unloved things” When writer and friend of Common Good, adrienne marie brown, shared educator Nicolette Sowder's poem on social media, we knew…
Poetry for Building Community, Reader, Sabbath: Time for the Unexpected “Joy is the Justice We Give Ourselves” Liberation and justice for all includes for ourselves. It includes experiencing pleasure, belonging, peace, and joy. Poet and professor at…
Eliminating economic isolation, Poetry for Building Community, Reader “Manifesto: The Mad Farmer Liberation Front” “Listen to carrion – put your ear/ close and hear the faint chattering/ of the world that is to come.”…