Leaving Egypt and Pharaoh, Reader, Significance Of Place American Must BECOME a Democracy Communitarians around the world often point out that the communities that flourish are the ones who decide to love the…
Reader, Significance Of Place, Wilderness: Sharing and Reorientation The Indigenous Future of Land Conservation While our largest institutions remain locked in a battle over how, and even whether, to work on climate and environmental…
Reader, Significance Of Place, Wilderness: Sharing and Reorientation Evaluating Healthcare Fault Lines in Florida In Miami, a broad coalition of neighborhood organizations, churches, and the University of Miami Law School has developed to protect…
Poetry for Building Community, Reader, Significance Of Place “The Peace of Wild Things” Wendell Berry has long been a light for those seeking to understand themselves as a part of the materiality of…
Imagination: The Prophetic Act of Living an Alternative Narrative, Reader, Significance Of Place, The Abundant Community The Neighborhood as a Sacred Place In this recent talk, John McKnight draws on both Biblical scholar Walter Brueggemann and comedian Dave Chappelle to talk about…