Reader, Significance Of Place A Few Rules For Predicting The Future by Octavia E. Butler Octavia Butler was an author of moving and prophetic science fiction novels. She wrote an essay in 2000 for Essence…
Eliminating economic isolation, Reader, Significance Of Place, Structure Of Belonging Walter, Peter and John – Forgiveness, Friction & Proclamation Walter Brueggemann, Peter Block, and John McKnight sat down for a conversation this past week, and we were able to…
Covenant: Moving from Contract to Commitment, Leaving Egypt and Pharaoh, Reader, Sabbath: Time for the Unexpected, Significance Of Place, Structure Of Belonging, Wilderness: Sharing and Reorientation A Passover seder with the family you never knew you had Welcome to our Seder table. Sit back (seriously, recline!) and join your favorite stars to celebrate Passover through music and…
Poetry for Building Community, Reader, Significance Of Place From “summer, somewhere” by Danez Smith Can you imagine creating a place that loves every neighbor back? In this excerpt from Danez Smith’s magnificent poem, they…
Reader, Significance Of Place Beans and Rice: More Than A “Poor Man’s” Meal I grew up in a family where it was tradition for my parents to eat red beans and rice every…