Imagination: The Prophetic Act of Living an Alternative Narrative, Leaving Egypt and Pharaoh, Significance Of Place Bringing Back the Victory Garden Ron Finley of the Ron Finley Project and actress Rosario Dawson have teamed up for a project to reimagine the…
Reader, Significance Of Place, Structure Of Belonging, Wilderness: Sharing and Reorientation What’s in the Ground? The ground holds stories, some seen, some concealed. Within one handful of soil are millions of microbes, the stuff of…
Reader, Significance Of Place, Wilderness: Sharing and Reorientation Literally Being Unearthed Among the most disturbing recent news items have been several discoveries of mass graves near Indian Boarding Schools. Those horrible…
Eliminating economic isolation, Leaving Egypt and Pharaoh, Reader, Significance Of Place, Structure Of Belonging The Imperfect Work of Making Amends One white woman in Georgia inherited a farm. She started asking a key question: “What’s in the ground here?” She…
Poetry for Building Community, Sabbath: Time for the Unexpected, Significance Of Place “There Are Birds Here” This poem by Jaamal May creates a fascinating unease in the body as it allows two visions of a city…