Invitation, Possibly: Freedom for A New Story, Reader, Structure Of Belonging Dangerous Spirituality "The burden of being black and the burden of being white is so heavy that it is rare in our…
Invitation, Reader, Structure Of Belonging “Call A Quiet Friend” In this song, Common Good collaborator Devin Bustin follows Howard Thurman’s direction, centers down, and sees a series of jarring…
Invitation, Reader, Structure Of Belonging The Sound of the Genuine The voice of Howard Thurman inspired Martin Luther King Jr, to the extent that he traveled with a ragged copy…
Leaving Egypt and Pharaoh, Reader, Structure Of Belonging Bring Them Back Alive Over the next several months, we’ll be featuring a few original pieces, including several tracking this intriguing project from CG…
Imagination: The Prophetic Act of Living an Alternative Narrative, Reader, Structure Of Belonging A Free South: The Black Arts Movement and the politics of emancipation. No art, no freedom. The Black Arts Movement in the American South worked from that powerful belief as they “sought…