November 19, 2020 Courtney Napier

The Space to Thrive

Thriving requires space. There is space as in land – physical space in which to create the social architecture communities need to flourish. And there is space as in distance. That kind of space promotes reflection, self-critical thinking, changes of patterns and behaviors. Khalil Gibran refers to this as “a space in our togetherness.” Both sorts of spaces are necessary for people to thrive.

At Common Good Collective, we want to create the space for better conversations, the kinds that open up space, or that re-orient us to the spaces we occupy. We are trying out a new way of doing that this week. Two weeks ago, we published a post-election reflection by CGC contributor Greg Jarrell. This week, we have three short written responses from other contributors. We invite you to send your thoughts by email or social media as well.

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