Walter Brueggemann, Peter Block, and John McKnight sat down for a conversation this past week, and we were able to push record on the recorder. Subscribe and listen to Common Good Podcast at the intersection of place, belonging & economy.
Signs of forgiveness are generosity, hospitality, and finally economic justice. That would be the signs of forgiveness, which I guess is why Peter has been at work on Jubilee all this time. Which is the most extreme, dramatic form of forgiveness, is the cancellation of debts. Walter Brueggemann
Is God with us in the COVID-19 crisis? by Walter
It is possible to trust that the God of the Gospel is in, with, and under the crisis of the virus without imagining that God is the cause of it. As God often does, in hidden ways God may be amid this crisis to do the hard work of checking arrogance and curbing hubris. Amid the virus we now face an alert about the indifferent exploitative world of global self-sufficiency we have been making that some of us mightily enjoy. Read Walter’s latest article in Church Anew.
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