Covenant: Moving from Contract to Commitment, Eliminating economic isolation, Reader Gratitude as Subversion Gratitude is a subversive step, Walter Brueggemann says. It challenges the parsimonious ideologies of our time. Those ideologies turn into…
Covenant: Moving from Contract to Commitment, Invitation, Reader, Structure Of Belonging Community Care Restores Balance The hallmark of community care is that it is diffuse. No one has too much to do, but everyone has…
Covenant: Moving from Contract to Commitment, Invitation, Reader, Structure Of Belonging *We* by Ebony Kearney Ebony Kearney, a Kansas City poet and parent educator, began our recent Abundant Community Conversation with this original poem. Ebony…
Covenant: Moving from Contract to Commitment, Eliminating economic isolation, Reader, Wilderness: Sharing and Reorientation The Great American Heist Community Care is not only interpersonal, it is also structural. If you love your neighbor, even the ones across town…
Covenant: Moving from Contract to Commitment, Eliminating economic isolation, Leaving Egypt and Pharaoh, Reader Rebuilding Neighborhoods With Strength From Within: The Story of CIP Durham Communities in Partnership, in Durham, North Carolina, uses a “community-rooted” approach to its work that leverages community residents’ expertise and resources,…